Urban Blind Spots – Theory Forum 2012 organizado pela Sheffield School of Architecture, é onde poderão encontrar a EMBAIXADA nos próximos dias 13-14 de Novembro. Será apresentada uma comunicação intitulada “Urban Inner Blind Spots”. A edição deste ano conta com os seguintes convidados:
Prof. Christine M. Boyer [Princeton University]
Dr. Isabelle Doucet [University of Manchester]
Dr. Hélene Frichot + students of the MA [KTH Stockholm]
Dr. Gary A. Boyd [CCAE Cork School of Architecture]
Jan Lilliendhal Larsen [Supertanker, Copenhagen]
Prof. Katja Grillner [KTH Stockholm]
Jonathan Glancey [architectural critic, writer]
Sabina Andron [UCL, Bartlett]
Paulo Albuquerque Goinhas [EMBAIXADA Arquitetura, Lisbon]
Fernando Quesada [Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid]
Francesco Sebregondi [Goldsmiths]
Marián Potocar [Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava]
Joanne Hudson [Manchester Metropolitan University]
Prof. Bernd Kniess/Benjamin Becker [HCU Hamburg]
Thomas De Roeck [Ghent]
Sheffield School of Architecture
European Architectural History Network
POSTER da Conferencia
Urban Blind Spots – Theory Forum 2012 organized by the Sheffield School of Architecture, it's were you may find EMBAIXADA in the next few days (13th-14th November). We will be presenting a paper entitled “Urban Inner Blind Spots”. This year edition guests and speakers on the previous list.
Sheffield School of Architecture
European Architectural History Network
Conference POSTER